2 nd corpus
Without attending to any Art's school, Gregory Proch has developed his art as a perfect autodidact. He worked with an extreme rigour to know all the aspects of pictorial art.
With the years, his experiment was enriched, as well as the matter,conferring on his works a dominating metaphysical dimension.
Between 1989 and 1998, deploying his know-how, he did a lot of tables to the remarkable invoice where his talent is revealed in an impressive way.
"(...)For a long time, the feature has the merit to be ensured and the gesture perfect. That is shown in his portraits,which have an astonishing veracity; they capture as well the intensity of a glance, the accuracy of an installation, the subtlety of an emotion, that the personality of the modele.(...)."
Arts Actualites Magazine
2eme corpus
Sans frequenter aucune ecole, Gregory Proch a developpe son art en parfait autodidacte. Il s'est employe avec une rigueur extreme a maitriser tous les aspects de l'art pictural.
Au fil des ans, son experience s'est enrichie, ainsi que le propos, conferant a ses oeuvres une dimension metaphysique preponderante.
Entre 1989 et 1998, deployant un epoustouflant savoir-faire, il a execute un nombre important de tableaux a la facture remarquable ou son talent s'est revele de facon impressionnante.
"(...)Depuis longtemps deja, le trait a le merite d'etre assure et le geste sur. A telle enseigne que ses portraits, d'une etonnante veracite, capturent aussi bien l'intensite d'un regard, la justesse d'une pose, la subtilite d'une emotion, que la personnalite du modele.(...)"
Arts Actualites Magazine