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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides an easy way to monitor fresh content. RSS feeds highlight new material so you don't have to repeatedly check a site yourself for updates. When new information appears on ARTQ.NET, our corresponding RSS feeds are updated and allows you to view new content. RSS feeds are usually identified by the following button because they are distributed in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format:

How can I use RSS feeds?
First, you'll need an RSS reader. You can get one as either a web-based service, a standalone program or a plug-in that works with applications like Internet Explorer or Microsoft Outlook.

Web-Based RSS Readers: Rocketinfo  Shortwire
Standalone RSS Readers: RSS Reader  Awasu
Plug-in RSS Readers: for IE  for Outlook

Once you have an RSS reader, just follow these simple steps to add RSS feeds.
Step 1 - Right click on RSS image, or
Step 2 - Select Copy Link Location.
Step 3 - Paste the link into your RSS reader's address bar.

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