Jussi Lof
I was born in Finland 1973. 1980-90 during childhood and as teenager I had wide interest in comics, drawing, sculpture, sci-fi, horror, surrealism, electronic music (techno),computer graphics, games, programming etc. 1995- after schools I went to study electronics. 1997- (inspired from graffiti) bought air brush learned airbrush painting 1998- went to study of music and sound production at Virrat, also did 3d-graphics and video editing, occasional decorative airbrushing of mobile phones, playstations, computers, instruments and instrument cases etc. 1999- started to paint more and much larger airbrush and conventional paintings. 2001-Started a day job as visual Designer, web designer and programmer. 2004- My interest in art is widening...
"Absolute" surrealism depends upon images derived from psychic automatism, the subconscious, or spontaneous thought.
My art is a my way of expanding my consiusness, pictures are portals to joyrney of discovery. I try to capture dreaming and imagination the way it really is - ever evoving ideas. Shapes, composition, symbolism, visions that come from subconsiousness can be a surpise even to myself when I look and discover new things in my old paintings.