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Michael Levchenko

optimistic melancholy 7
optimistic melancholy 7
optimistic melancholy 56
optimistic melancholy 56

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Artist Information:
Name   : Michael Levchenko
Location: Chicago IL 
  United States

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Michael Levchenko

Michael Levchenko Born on January 2, 1976 in Kiev, Ukraine. Many of his works belong to private and public collections in Ukraine, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, the Czeck Republic ,Turkey, the United States , China, Japan , Museum of Contemporay Art Volterra Pisa Italy, Museum of Contemporary Art in Roldan Argentina, Syria, Israel. Education Art School No. 2, Painting emphasis, Kiev, UKRAINE 1988-1991 National Art School , by name T.G. Shevchenko , Sculpture emphasis ,Kiev, UKRAINE 1991-1994 Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture B.F.A., M.F.A. Sculpture emphasis UKRAINE 1994-2000 Memberships Ukraine Professional Artists' Union Accepted to society in 1999 International Association of Monumental Sculptures Events AIESM Professional member from 2008 ITALY Symposiums and art festivals All-Ukrainian Symposium of Wooden Sculpture, Ohtirka, UKRAINE 1998 7 th International Marble Sculpture Symposium Almeria , Fines , SPAIN 2007 49th Ice Sculpture Festival Asahikawa,Hokkaido JAPAN 2008 5th International Sculpture Symposium Volterra, Pisa, ITALY 2008 6th International Huseyin GEZER Marble Sculpture Symposium , Mersin , TURKEY 2008 First International Sculpture Symposium Puerto General de San Martin Santa Fe ARGENTINA 2008 2nd International Sculpture Symposium, Roldan, Santa Fe ARGENTINA 2008 First International Sculpture Symposium, Palpala, Jujuy ARGENTINA 2008 International Snow Sculpture Symposium , Frankenmuth, Michigan USA 2009 International Snow Sculpture Festival , Sarnia , CANADA 2009 International Urban Sculpture Creation Camp , Urumqui, CHINA 2009 6th Alanya International Stone Sculpture Symposium, Alanya TURKEY 2009 Invitation to the 3th International Sculpture Symposium ,Penza RUSSIA 2010 Invitation to the International Sculpture Bienal ,Chaco ARGENTINA 2010 1th International Sculpture Symposium , Malatya TURKEY 2010 International Sculpture Symposium , Damascus SYRIA 2010 International Urban Sculpture Creation Camp ,Tangshan Nahu Park CHINA 2010 International Sculpture Symposium , Izmir TURKEY 2010 XX International Sculpture Symposium , Maalot ISRAEL 2011 Invitation International Sculpture Symposium , HOLLAND 2011 International Sculpture Symposium , St.Blasien GERMANY 2011 International Sculpture Symposium , Istanbul, TURKEY 2011 International Sculpture Festival , Hu An CHINA 2011 Exhibitions took part in 9 Annual All-Ukraine ExhibitionsNational Union of Ukrainian Artists Kiev, UKARAINE 1993-2002 International "Art-Piramy" ExhibitionUkrainian Department of Culture Kiev, UKRAINE 1995 Graphic Design Group Exhibition Olomoutz, CZECK REPUBLIC 1996 Group ExhibitionViflingen, GERMANY 1997 Anderson Art Center Exhibition Chicago, USA 1997 "Stone-98" International Sculpture Exhibition Kiev, UKRAINE 1998 Ukrainian Young Artists Exhibition and Auction, Miami, USA 1999 National Sculpture Triennial ,Central Artists' House Kiev, UKRAINE 2005 Contemporary Art Gallery ,,ZEH,,Kiev UKRAINE 2006 International Sculpture Exhibition ,Contemporary Art Museum ,Volterra, Pisa, ITALY 2008 2nd International Small Sculpture Exhibition , Casa de Italia , Roldan ,Santa Fe ARGENTINA 2008 International Sculpture Exhibition ,Maalot ISRAEL 2011 Competitions Monument to Independence Competition Architect A. Gorbik Kiev, UKRAINE 2000 Monument to Vyacheslav Chernovol Competition Architect A. Gorbik Kiev, UKRAINE 2001 Monument to the Defenders of the State's Borders Competition Architect B. Kuzevich Kiev, UKRAINE 2002 Competition for Monument to Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Poet Brodsky Architect B. Kuzevich St. Petersburg, RUSSIA 2002 Monument to Lost Journalists Competition Kiev, UKRAINE 2003 World Ice Sculpture Competition Asahikawa ,Hokkaydo, JAPAN 2008 International Photo Competition Festimage PORTUGAL 2009-2010 Work and Achievements Internship, Stone-Vision Decorative Sculpture Company Valencia, SPAIN 2002 Completion of bronze monument to opera singer, F. Shalyapin and painter, K. Korovin Gurzuf, A.R.K., UKRAINE 2003 Completion of steel monument to film director, S. Zelenchuk Hmelnitsk ,UKRAINE 2003 Design of "Golden Frame" Award and logo for Kynolitipis International Film Festival Kiev , UKRAINE 2004, 2005,2006,2007 Assistent of Art director Ice Sculpture Production Moskow , RUSSIA 2007-2008 Private Art teaching practice Kiev, UKRAINE 2001-2009 International Sculpture competition , Hu An CHINA 2011 Languages Ukrainian, Russian-free English, Spanish -good skils.
Sculpture is an art space and the silhouette is poetry.silent and unobtrusive ... sculpture requires communication ... it can not be as impressive as media art, but it can pass a subtle feeling of fullness of life... In the past years I have been working with simple shapes, making clear sculptures ... I do not want to hide behind a lot of details. Monumental work gives the opportunity to anyone to feel them as a part of space, being in the park or public place... This archaic art still gives us aesthetic pleasure ... it can not compete with the media art and should not be. Sculptors must develop a centuries-old language of expression through the form, silhouette, plastic .... The sculpture finally became intimate art .. this is a direct communication between artist and audience.

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