I could describe my latest water colour paintings
as results of a crossing of
a border or also as meta-painting.
For me they represent an entry into an imaginary room,
seeming to lie beyond the limits of our horizon
of our reason and experience, and they invite the
viewer to follow me. There the painter faces
a free floating of forms, colours and associations,
followed by a deepening consciousness of
interdependent ideas.
The artist's agreement to intuition and reasoning.
For the painter it is the wonder at forms gained, an
imaginary /aesthetic reduction to structures
without time and place, and thus to archetypical
characters. It is the painter's look into the
essential, into the essence behind appearance,
or simply into the origins.
For the painter it is the
synomym for the denial of the visible world, of
the human point of view, the limited recognition.
For the painter it is the admiration for the untouched
material of "form and colour", which is meant to be
extended and continued into space, with the