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Milana Kolarov Boskovic

Escape form Reality
Escape form Reality
Memories of Aoteoroa
Memories of Aoteoroa

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Artist Information:
Name   : Milana Kolarov Boskovic
Location: Novi Sad  
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Milana Kolarov Boskovic

My artwork starts with a strong internal need to communicate. Therefore, my paintings present a transformation of words, thoughts, emotion and fantasy into the forms, lines and colours. At the same time my artwork represents examples of my life experience, knowledge and curiosity... I am usually inspired to paint with a momentum of stimulated emotion which is provoked by beauty, music, other artwork, landscape or personal experience. Consequently, I am motivated to paint my story where the main theme is duality and love as a natural order of life and the universe. During the process of painting I feel complete freedom of interpretation. I use an instinctive approach to the colours, brush work, shapes, addition or deduction of elements. Colours are vibrant and fresh and as an optimist and humanist, I wish to put positive shine and energy into my paintings. In some pieces, I encourage optical phenomena to increase a sense of movement and emotion. Like mathematics, paintings are imaginative, with arising problems that have to be solved to attain the paintings equivalence and harmony... Parts of mystery and magic are present where I am exposing myself to them with pleasure.

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