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Susana Bonnet

Tiempos de intolerancia (9-11)
Tiempos de intolerancia (9-11)
La Sociedad de consumo (Consumption)
La Sociedad de consumo (Consumption)
Cautivos del tiempo (Captives of time)
Cautivos del tiempo (Captives of time)
En soledad ( Loneliness)
En soledad ( Loneliness)
El vuelo ( Last flight)
El vuelo ( Last flight)
Recomenzar ( Start Again)
Recomenzar ( Start Again)
Abismo (Abyss)
Abismo (Abyss)
Amor (Love)
Amor (Love)
La telarana (Cobweb)
La telarana (Cobweb)
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Identidad ( Identity
Partida ( Departure)
Partida ( Departure)
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Artist Information:
Name   : Susana Bonnet
Location: Buenos Aires  

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Susana Bonnet


Curriculum vitae Susana Bonnet Susana Bonnet was born in Buenos Aires , Argentina, in January 14 th 1957.- She studied art at ?Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes?. Her works integrate the ?Itimuseum?(Itinerary Museum Mercosur) . Her works integrate the Agora Gallery N. York . USA. She is member of ?Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos? Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes. Fundacion Bernardo Houssay. She took part in very important exhibitions as well as: * 5to Salon Mercosur * 6to Salon Mercosur * Consorcio de Arte Buenos Aires. * Salon 126 Aniversario Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes. *Latin American Fine Art Exhition. Agora Gallery . Soho . N. York She made the cover of the book ?Violencia y Agresion hacia los padres? Silvia B. Gelvan de Veinstein presented in the "Book Fair? Buenos Aires in May/ 2000. She made the illustration for the tale ?La ilusion del mar dulce?Omar a. Ramos published in literary magazine "Metafora?2002 . She obtained several rewards: * Premio Fundacion Redes y Pasaporte Cultural . * 5to Salon MERCOSUR Premio Juanito Laguna ?Homenaje a Jos?Hernandez.? * Salon de invierno Edea 2000. * Municipalidad de Esteban Echeverria. Premio Sara Stabile. She made several solo exhibitions : * Centro Cultural Italiano , Olivos, Pcia de Buenos Aires. *Asociacion Argentina de Artistas Plasticos . *Colegio Publico de Abogados de Capital Federal . *Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Centro de Gestion y Participacion 14 . *Galeria Ernesto de la Carcova. *Asociacion Argentina de Actores. *Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. * Diario Clarin, Sala de Exposiciones. Mar del Plata, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. * Latin American Fine Art Exhibition Agora Gallery Soho N. York * National Library Buenos Aires She participates in a permanent way in several virtual galleries all around the world ?Professional Artists UK ?Agora Gallery USA ?Elmuseovirtual Sp ?Arteenebral Sp ?Conelarte Sp. ?Gen 21Sp ?Pinturas y esculturas Arg ?Openarte U.S A ?Desdelaplastica. Arg ?Altojo Sp. ?Nosoloarte Sp. ?Altearte sp ?Artede Sp ?Espectro U.SA ?Itheo Atlanta. U.S.A ?Artespacio XXI Arg. ? Mecenas Arg. ?Aunalia Sp. *
Curriculum vitae Susana Bonnet Susana Bonnet was born in Buenos Aires , Argentina, in January 14 th 1957.- She studied art at ?Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes?. Her works integrate the ?Itimuseum?(Itinerary Museum Mercosur) . Her works integrate the Agora Gallery N. York . USA. She is member of ?Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos? Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes. Fundacion Bernardo Houssay. She took part in very important exhibitions as well as: * 5to Salon Mercosur * 6to Salon Mercosur * Consorcio de Arte Buenos Aires. * Salon 126 Aniversario Asociacion Estimulo de Bellas Artes. *Latin American Fine Art Exhition. Agora Gallery . Soho . N. York She made the cover of the book ?Violencia y Agresion hacia los padres? Silvia B. Gelvan de Veinstein presented in the "Book Fair? Buenos Aires in May/ 2000. She made the illustration for the tale ?La ilusion del mar dulce?Omar a. Ramos published in literary magazine "Metafora?2002 . She obtained several rewards: * Premio Fundacion Redes y Pasaporte Cultural . * 5to Salon MERCOSUR Premio Juanito Laguna ?Homenaje a Jos?Hernandez.? * Salon de invierno Edea 2000. * Municipalidad de Esteban Echeverria. Premio Sara Stabile. She made several solo exhibitions : * Centro Cultural Italiano , Olivos, Pcia de Buenos Aires. *Asociacion Argentina de Artistas Plasticos . *Colegio Publico de Abogados de Capital Federal . *Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Centro de Gestion y Participacion 14 . *Galeria Ernesto de la Carcova. *Asociacion Argentina de Actores. *Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. * Diario Clarin, Sala de Exposiciones. Mar del Plata, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. * Latin American Fine Art Exhibition Agora Gallery Soho N. York * National Library Buenos Aires She participates in a permanent way in several virtual galleries: ?Professional Artists UK ?Agora Gallery USA ?Elmuseovirtual Sp ?Arteenebral Sp ?Conelarte Sp. ?Gen 21Sp ?Pinturas y esculturas Arg ?Openarte U.S A ?Desdelaplastica. Arg ?Altojo Sp. ?Nosoloarte Sp. ?Altearte sp ?Artede Sp ?Espectro U.SA ?Itheo Atlanta. U.S.A ?Artespacio XXI Arg. ? Mecenas Arg. ?Aunalia Sp. * Referring to Susana Bonnet 's paintings means to introduce oneself in a world of mataphysic projections connected with everyday reality. Susana Bonnet is a first class artist who knows what she wants and expresses herself through a magnificent work, strong in colours and structure, and full of life. The human beings as well as the abstract paintings, with excellent composition and brilliant colours are real symbols of humanity in contact with its spiritual and material surroundings and appear to express a fussion between nature and man. Feliz Gonzalez Mora.

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