After a route which sees photography succeeding to the dance, ISA-L., young lady with a developed artistic sense, discovers a relity buried in the depths of herself : painting which has always intensily interested her and has become vital. ISA-L. has decided to devote her time entirely to her art.
She goes spontaneously to the abstract art and particularly to the dripping without knowing this singular and exclusive process used by Jackson POLLOCK.
This particular and rare technique seemed evident to her.
It allows her to express and to better exteriorize her creative force
through works where in the same inspiration, energy and colors are
projected ont the canvas.
??My interest for this style of painting?is because nothing is foreseen, the forms are born according to the inspiration??.
Her compositions demonstrate a control of the visual as much in the
graphic as in the chromatic sense. Her paintings release a strong energy
and express a feeling of freedom specific to informal art.
??My paintings live !?? she often declares.