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Dr. Rodney Chang Pygoya

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Artist Information:
Name   : Dr. Rodney Chang Pygoya
Location: Honolulu HI 
  United States

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Dr. Rodney Chang Pygoya

Rodney Chang, better known as the Internet's Pygoya, Cyberartist, was the first digital artist to exhibit in Honolulu, back in 1985. Since then he has exhibited around the world, including France (Paris), New York City, Russia (St. Petersburg), China (Shanghai), Germany (Frankfurt), England, Australia, Hawaii, India (Calcutta), Japan, Austria (Vienna), and Hungary(Budapest). His 1988 solo show at Shangahi Art Museum was China's historic first computer art exhibition. In 2002 Dr. Chang curated and organized East Hawaii Cultural Center's first International Cyberart Exhibition and World Tour. Through the 1980s-90s the artist completed his first major project of computer art (over 150 large painted canvases), "PaintOuts" (as in "printouts") or "Cyberpaintings", before dedicating his creative works solely to digital online display , as content for his virtual 3D museum, The Pygoya Webmuseum, established in 1997. His latest major contribution to the visual arts of the Web is his "100 Cyberbabies" (as in newborn art for the Internet) exhibition for 2002, to be followed by 100 more in 2003. For tech-phobics and that population that stays off-line, the artist's latest passion is producing Digi-oils, or hand executed oil on canvases from his Web digital art. These are displayed in physical world exhibits and as 'reproduction' in their own right, then used as "masters" for third generation Giclee print editions. As such, Pygoya's imagery becomes familiar in tboth domains - the traditional art scene and within online cyberculture. Currently the artist is curator and director for his online virtual reality Truly Virtual Web Art Museum, retiring as webmaster for the original East Hawaii Cultural Center and Las Vegas Art Museum web sites . Pygoya made history in organizing and traveling to Calcutta for India's first ever international digital art exhibition (1999). In early 2002 Truly Virtual Web Art Museum proudly greeted its 1 millionth visitor. In the 1980's Dr. Rodney Chang gained national notoriety as NBC's Real People Show's "Disco Doc" - filmed dancing in his Honolulu dental clinic's discotheque reception area, complete with staff DJ. The syndicated television show was televised in Europe, Asia, Australia as well as the United States. The dancer maintains Discopower.com as a tribute to the dance and music that has played a tremendous influence on his life and art as well as the sustained passion for such energized music. Since forming a popular local rock band before (1963) the Beatles, Chang continues to this day as a performance artist as the Disco Doc through his intuitive and unique disco style in local dance clubs. What the artist dances today is considered by him not merely still classical disco but a post-modern disco/hip hop combination. The artist is also recognized in Who's Who in America and Ripley's Believe It or Not! for earning 10 college degrees, including 5 masters and 2 doctorates. The artist studied mostly in Chicago and holds Masters in Painting/Studio Arts and also Computer Art, as well as a Ph.D in Aesthetic Psychology. A masters in Pychology of Counseling contributes seeded subliminal content to his cyberart. Freudian, Behaviorist, as well as Holistic pyschological theories are additional conceptual brushes for the digital artist. Most recently creative Pygoya is expanding the boundaries of our resources of remembering the deceased with his virtual cemetery project that is a part of emerging Cyberculture. But besides this eclectic extension of online Cyberculture, the artist is most passionate over his leadership in Webism, materializing into the historic Pygoya's First European Art Tour in 2003. The online Artist's Journal makes Pygoya one of the most globally documented artists in history. Through the power of the Internet, this valuable primary source serves as virtual library of the artist's theories and philosophies of art, archived personal development in digital art since 1985, and his lifelong use of the creative process. It also provides insight into his perspective of human nature besides the meaning and missions of his life. Interested parties, such as students, historians, museums, galleries, media, and collectors, are permitted to download any of the writings of the journal. However an email mention of use to the artist's publicist is courteous and appreciated for documentation. The artist is represented by Alex Alexander & Associates (USA, California), Malie Moran (New York City, Hawaii), and Ingrid Kamerbeek (Europe).
STATEMENT I currently reduce the number of software commands to achieve satisfactory affective imagery, thereby selecting parsimonial use of technically confounding complexity The computer is a means to an end, the selected art tool to express what I feel and think for today as an artist. I am aware that what I express and launch online are fine art signals seen all over the world. I am inspired to create and contribute to the growing virtual global comminty and its cyberculture.
LIFELONG EXHIBITION DOCUMENTATION 1997-Present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Pygoya Webmuseum of Cyberart, online at www.lastplace.com, May 24, 1997 The Odd Couple, with Phoung Tran, Pauahi Tower Gallery, Downtown Honolulu, Hawaii, May 27-June20, 1997 Dataism 2.0, Hawaii Computer Art Society group exhibition, Art Centre-Hawaii Gallery, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 30-June 27, 1997 Pygoya at Last Place.Com, The Food Company Restaurant & Coffee Shop, Honolulu, Hawaii, June-July, 1997 Retro 80s, Rodney Chang Gallery of Computer Art, Honolulu, Hawaii, June-August, 1997 "Pin Up" Artists (1977-1997), invitational, Queen Emma Gallery of The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-July 27, 1997 "Lastplace.com", solo exhibition of Pygoyan works, The Food Company, Hawaii Kai Shopping Center, Honolulu, HI, August-present (changing exhibits by the artist) "HCAS Ninth Annual Show", Hawaii Pacific University Art Gallery, August 8-October 3, 1997, Kaneohe, HI "Crossings 89", a group exhibition of invited Hawaiian artists that exhibited in Paris in 1989 as cultural exchange, Pegge Hopper Gallery, October 6-31, 1997, Honolulu, HI "Digital Tropics", HCAS group exhibition, Alana Hotel Gallery, November 1997, Waikiki, HI "The Webfelt Museum", August -September 1996; www.webfelt.com "Pygoya Webmuseum of Cyberart", May 1997-present, online at www.lastplace.com "The Rave Webmuseum of Cyberart", May 1997-present, www.lastplace.com/page184.htm "The Webmuseum Theater", May 1997-present, www.lastplace.com/page166.htm "The Collective Gallery of Computer Generated Art", own page exhibit, 4th Qtr, 1997 at www.geocities.com/SoHo/3103 "Artist's Showcase Gallery" of Cybertown.Com, January-June, 1998; juried showcase, http://www.cybertown.com/visarts.html Arconet "Cyberart Gallery", Estonia's Arconet server gallery, January 1998 The Food Company restaurant, Kailua Shopping Center, HI - Feb. 1998- July 1998 Binary Code, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York, New York; group R2001 Internet/gallery historic exhibit; June 14, 1998 Tubal Cain,Harrogate, England - group exhibition of R2001 with color catalog, July 10-August 9, 1998 Digital Decade - The Painted Pixel, Queeen Emma Gallery, group show of Hawaii Computer Art Society (founder: Rodney Chang), 10th Anniversary exhibition, June 21- July 26, 1998 Country Without Borders, Abraham Lubelski Gallery, r2001 group exhibition; September 6-17, 1998, 473 Broadway 7th Flr, NY, NY 10013 "Physicians and Their Art", University of Medicine & Dentistry, Piscataway, New Jersey, co-sponsored by the Visual Arts League (Judith Way, Director), October 12-November 29, 1998 "Newts to Goats & Beyond", group show at the Cork Gallery at Lincoln Center, East Brunswick, New Jersey, November 19-December 1, 1998 "Art - Manege '98" group exhibition - Central Exhibition Hall of Moscow, a masterpiece by A. Betankur, O. Bove and O. Monferran, built in 1817 near the Moscow Kremlin; exhibited "Cyberstamps", managed by Jas Cyberspace Museum, December 4 -10, 1998 HCAS Christmas Show, Gallery on the Pali, Unitarian Church of Honolulu, December 4-18, 1998 Hawaii, Art & the Information Age, combined group show of Association of Hawaii Artists and the Hawaii Computer Art Society, at Amfac Center Gallery, downtown Honolulu, March 1-26, 1999 Webmasters Exchange Exhibitions - Pygoya's works at TC Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia Web site, May 15, 1999- AHA Summerfest at Pygoya House - with Association of Hawaii Artists, Maui Giclee director, Alexander Associates, July 17, 1999 Hawaii Time Art Capsule - 2 person multimedia show with Gardiana of Taiwan, at Pygoya Webmuseum using Flash/Shockwave technology, August 1, 1999- This historic multimedia exhibition has officially been accepted into Scotland's 1999 and is also contributing content for art ring R2001.com's 1999 Japan exhibition Aloha Festivals Art Exhibit '99 - Island Images of This Century, juried group city show at Honolulu Hale (City Hall), all 3 pieces juried into show (giclee prints Recreating the Landscape, Maui Freestyle Divers, and Portal to Cyberspace); jurors Alan Leitner and Patrick Ching; August 9-27, 1999 India lst International Digital Art Exhibition, Calcutta, India, December 11-18, 1999; invited and featured artist; with speech on Cyberart of the Internet at US Consulate, American Center 2nd India International Digital Art Exhibition, Circular Art Gallery at the Nehru Center, Mumbai (Bombay), India, April 11-17, 2000 India 2000 International Digital Art Exhibition, Corey Gallery at New York City's Lincoln Center for exhibition June 15th to June 22, 2000!; featured artist in international artists group show from India DigitalArtMuseum at digitalartmuseum.com, March-April 2000 2000 Spring Exhibition on The Scottish Website Shomeido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, R2001 group show, July 22 - August 11, 2000 CYBERPAINTINGS - SELECTED WORKS EXHIBITION 2001 for the new HISTORICAL WING of PYGOYA WEBMUSEUM OF CYBERART, May 2001 Moscow Fine Art Gallery, international group exhibition, The Thousandth Manhole, Moscow, Russia, May 24-June 11, 2001 East Hawaii Culture Center, Hilo, Hawaii; solo exhibition of cyberart, July 6-28, 2001; opening reception July 6, 5:30-7:30 p.m., artist was in attendance Photo-Shoot, EHCC web site photojournalistic artist's impressions of Hilo and EHCC, Hawaii, online as of July 7, 2001 Bienal de Cerveira, the biggest biennial in Portugal, Multimedia Section, group exhibition by R2001 group including Pygoya, August 2001 Museum of Computer Art - July 11, 2001 opening online, 8 Digital Abstractions, archived MOCA exhibit Cyberart Ring Group Exhibition, 3D vrml Cyberists Hall with online catalog - November 2001-December 2002 East Hawaii Cultural Center, Hilo, Hawaii - curated and included in, international digital art print group exhibition, with online catalog and slide show documentation, January 2002 2002 exhibition in Montevideo, Uruguay, South America with Alexjandro Silveira 2002 exhibition in Cairo, Eygpt with Ahmed Khaled East Hawai'i Cultural Center's 1st & 2002 International Cyberart Exhibition, an invited group of world digital artists, including 1 work by Pygoya; curated by Pygoya, EHCC, Hilo, Hawaii, USA, January 4-25, 2002. Perpetual online archived catalog Exhibitions of International EHCC Cyberart Traveling Show (many thanks to the tour Coordinators, Ingrid Kamerbeek and Karen Kuhlman) Galerie im Stadtgable, Sonthogen/Bavaria, Germany, January 4 - February 28, 2002 Chiyoda-town of Ibaraki Perfecture, Japan, January 20 - February 3, 2002 Hans-George Tuerstig exhibition, Sante Fe, New Mexicon, USA, February 1 -25, 2002 Counihan Gallery, IDAA Traveling Exhibition, Brunswick, Australia, February 8 - March 3, 2002 - show travels across Australia, then to Russia and the USA. Panda Gielen, Den Haag, Holland, February 9 - 25, 2002 Alessandro Palmigiani, Rome, Italy, February 10 -28, 2002 The Sunken Room Gallery, Rochester, New York, USA, February 15 - March 31, 2002 Lleana Frometa Grillo Fine Art, Laguna Beach, CA, USA, March1 -31, 2002 Sooyoung Lee, Chiikok-Gun Kyungsangbuk-Do, South Korea, March 1 -31, 2002 Cozumel Exhibition, Cozumel, Mexico, March 1 - 17, 2002 Parys St. Martin, Adelaide, Australia, March 2 -24, 2002 Galerie Edwin Wiegele, Hamburg, Austria, March 2 -24, 2002 Art For Life Gallery, Kingston, Jamaica, March 7 - 24, 2002 Pim Lindahl, Visby Gotland, Sweden, March 8 - 24, 2002 Villinger Strabe 1, Wuerttemberg, Germany, March 8 - 24, 2002 GALLERIET, Spiaid, Denmark, April 20 opening, 2002 Wiedenhofer & Kuch, Westhausen, Germany, April 10 - May 31, 2002 Universidade Federal de Rondonia, Brazil, May 2 - 31, 2002 Hawaii Community Art Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 11 -31, 2002 Lincoln Center's Cork Gallery, New York City, NY, USA, May 23 - June 4, 2002 Cultural Center Pablo de la Torriente, IV DIGITAL ART SALON AND INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUY, Havana, Cuba, June 17 - 21, 2002 The Rodney Chang Gallery of Computer Art, Honolulu, June 15 - December 31, 2002 Fort Assinboine Recreation Library, Alberta, Canada, July 2, 2002 Fort Asinboine Recreation Hall, Alberta, Canada, August 17-18, 2002 Town Hall Foyer, Sonthofen/Bavaria, Germany, September 2 - 13, 2002 The Rodney Chang Gallery of Computer Art, Honolulu - "Artist's Proofs - 20 Cyberbabies," October 1- December 31, 2002 Gallery Vlado Franjevic, Fuerstentum Liechtenstein, October 11-25, 2002 111 Design, Sculpture and Art Gallery, Calgary, Canada - EHCC group exhibition with Henry Janol, October 19-26, 2002; exhibited Cyberwalk, selected piece for EHCC 2002 World Tour Catherine Yokovina, St. Petersburg, Russia, December 2002 100 Cyberbabies born for the Web, 2002 Pygoya exhibit at Artmajeur.com , France 2002 Pygoya display at Not the Tate.com, UK 2002 Liechtenstein exhibition, Speedcom AG, Schaan , Cyberbabies, with Ingrid Kamerbeek, 24 Oct. - 15 Nov. 2002 111 design, sculpture and art gallery, Calgary, Canada, 26 Oct. - 30 Nov. 2002 Pygoya, Cyberartist, IonOne.com, Inc., cultural online magazine, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 2002- 2003 International Digital Art Awards - IDAA ,- static and new media entries, sponsored and supported by: Epson Australia, Digital Photography & Design Magazine, Minolta, Canto, DES, DIMI Marathon Cyberbabies 2002 - inspired cyberart for the Web from the intense artist's personal experience of running the Honolulu Marathon Dorset Arts Festival, The Arts Institute at Bournmeouth, Wallisdown, Poole, Dorset, UK, "Catepillar" cyberprint, 2003; March 3-7, 2003; thereafter small tour of libraries across Dorset. About Bournmeouth and Dorset: www.bournemouth.co.uk. Narcissus Queen Fashion Show and Auction, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, prints donated for live auction, March 16, 2003 Cyberart to the Dining Table, Zest Cafe' Gallery, group show including Parys St Martin, Linda Martin, and Ingrid Kamerbeek, curated by Parys St. Martin, Zest Cafe/Gallery, South Australia, August 8 - September 23, 2003 Cafe and Vinothek Phlox, Irene Schmidt, Stadtgasle, 87527 Sonthofen/Bavaria/Germany - starting April 1, 2003 - open end; with Ingrid Kamerbeek Jack's Restaurant, Aina Haina Shopping Center, Honolulu, Hawaii - New Works, February 2003 - open end Doe Fang store, Aina Haina Shopping Center, Honolulu, Hawaii - 2003-open end Duck Yun Chinese Restaurant, Aina Haina Shopping Center, Honolulu, Hawaii - April 2003 -open end E-tertainment Cyber Cafe, Koko Marina Shopping Center, Hawaii Kai, Honolulu, HI - with Ingrid Kamerbeek, April 2003 - open end Lam's Garden Restaurant, Waialae Avenue, Kahala, Honolulu, Hawaii - April 2003 -open end Angouleme, Espace, Franquin, FRANCE, - group exhibit:-artists together- Shankar Barua/India, Dr. Rodney Chang (Pygoya)/USA, Bernard Dumaine/FRANCE, Dieter Grossmann/GERMANY, Regina Hobein/GERMANY, Ingrid Kamerbeek/GERMANY, Tibor Kovacs-egri/HUNGARY, Galina Lukshina/UKRAINE, Parys St. Martin/AUSTRALIA, Uly Paya/AUSTRIA, Dr. Hans-Georg Turstig/USA, Zazie/AUSTRIA; August 8-21, 2003 Espace Franquin in Angouleme, France, 8 - 21 August 2003 Cyberart to the Dining Table- Zest Cafe Gallery, Glenelg, South Australia, group digital exhibition, August 8- September 23, 2003 Combination Plate R2001 group exhibition, directed by Seiji Ueoka, June 26-July 9, 2003, Tokyo, Japan Cyberpaintings for Europe 2003, Cafe Lauper, August 1-30, 2003, Kaimuki Town, Honolulu "Cyberpaintings for Europe 2003, exhibition of works by Pygoya that will tour Europe later this year, opens today, through Sept. 15; Cafe Laufer, Kaimuki." - Honolulu Advertiser, August 10, 2003 Umeke Market, Kahala, Honolulu - framed Epson archival quality prints, August-September 2003 The Art Board, Honolulu, Hawaii, print display, October 2003 Pygoya Exhibits at artingrid.de - 2002-2004 Renderosity.com - Pygoya works - 2003 Pygoya 1st historic European Art Tour 2003 - English German Frankfurt, Germany, Frankfurt Internatinal Airport, Oct-Nov 2003, international Webism exhibition Vienna Art Hotel, Austria, Nov. 2003, international Webism exhibition -Vienna Art Hotel Reception-Restaurant, October 25-November 30; Golden Tulip Galleries, November 7-8 Budepest, Hungary, Nov. 2003; international Webism exhibition Bitvisions "Gallery in a Pocket" of ITBond.co.uk (tagtag.com); prototype demo thumbnail art for cell phone new technology, with Ingrid Kamerbeek (Pygoya 26 works, Kamerbeek 30), in 1 bit black & white format but scheduled for full color January 2004; suscriber cell phone base now 25,000; Pygoya: November 9m2--3-present RC Gallery of Computer Art, Honolulu, Hawaii - 12 framed 11x13 Epson archival ink prints, December 9, 2003 Sito.org - setup of artist's profile and sample 5 images at thjs art web site, December 12, 2003 Sam Choy's Restuarant, Diamond location, Honolulu, Hawaii, Pygoya's Feng Shui related limited edition Giclee print on canvases, 20"x24" framed, December 16, 2003 East Hawaii Cultural Center, Hilo, Hawaii, 4th Annual International Digital Art Exhibition, January 5-30, 2004; "Works existing only in virtual space at once gain value and legitimacy as art when they are printed, framed and installed in a museum/gallery."- "Art Centering," East Haeai'i Cultural Council Vienna Museum Complex, group digital art exhibition, May 2004

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