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  Foggy Yard-keeper

Ozhgibesov,Pavel-Still life with Pomegranates
Still life with Pomegranates / Painting Oil / 50 x 50 cm / Request Price

Description: http://www.ozhgibesov.com/cont/oil_61.htm

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Artist Information:
Name   : Pavel Ozhgibesov
Location: Moscow  
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Pavel Ozhgibesov

Paul Ozhgibesov was born in 1973. From 1982-1988, he studied at a private art studio. In 1988, he was accepted to Chelyabinsk Art College and graduated from the college in 1992. For his degree work, he created illustrations for the poetry of Daniel Harms. From 1993-1995, Paul studied at the Yaroslavl Theatral College with a focus in specialty theater production designing. His favorite art mediums are easel painting and drawing. Paul lives and works in Moscow.
May 2004 - Izmaylovo Exhibition Hall (Moscow). December 2004 - January 2005 - Zelenograd Exhibition Hall (Moscow). October 2005 - December 2005 - Nikolay Rubzov's Museum (Moscow). March 2006 - August 2006 - «Theatre Gallery on the Tverskoy Boulevard» (Moscow).

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