online casino games such as online blackjack. Since the game is played over the internet, you control your environment. This is a huge advantage over playing on a land-based casino. In a land-based casino, the casino is set up to excite and distract you. They have flashing lights and loud music and all manner of distractions. After all, it is not a zero sum game. If you get distracted and lose, they win. It's in their best interests for you to have trouble focusing on the game and making the wisest choices in your game play. When you play at home, you can create the perfect gaming environment. Turn down the lights, put on some relaxing music (Barry Manilow is very good for this.) Sit in your favourite chair (or even on a couch with your laptop.) And by all means, keep your cat close by and pet him while you play. All these things will help you put your best foot forward and have more fun when you play.">
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  Cat attacks iphone casino app

Jack,Black-Cat Hallucinations Op Art
Cat Hallucinations Op Art / Other / Doesn't Matter / Sold

Description: Studies show that petting a cat can help lower your blood pressure and remain calm. You can use this scientific knowledge to your advantage when you play online casino games such as online blackjack. Since the game is played over the internet, you control your environment. This is a huge advantage over playing on a land-based casino. In a land-based casino, the casino is set up to excite and distract you. They have flashing lights and loud music and all manner of distractions. After all, it is not a zero sum game. If you get distracted and lose, they win. It's in their best interests for you to have trouble focusing on the game and making the wisest choices in your game play. When you play at home, you can create the perfect gaming environment. Turn down the lights, put on some relaxing music (Barry Manilow is very good for this.) Sit in your favourite chair (or even on a couch with your laptop.) And by all means, keep your cat close by and pet him while you play. All these things will help you put your best foot forward and have more fun when you play.

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  The Cat and the Fence

Artist Information:
Name   : Black Jack
Location: Sydney  
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Black Jack

Artist specializing in Op Art and other psychedelic illusions and optical artworks for the purpose of boggling your eyes and making strange shapes appear. Enjoy my works and feel free to share you feedback.
I think therefore I art
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