pia r. nachtsheim
Pia Nachtsheim ist eine deutsche Kuenstlerin, sie arbeitet digital mit Adobe. Aber auch manuell mit Oelfarben Pastell, Aquarell, Malerei auf Seide, Photographie und Keramik so enstehen Werke, die in mixed media Technik gestaltet werden. Ihre Art zu arbeiten ist warm, sureall und steckt voller Magie und Mystik.
Pia Nachtsheim is a german artist of digital art Mainpoint of her interculture painting art is warm mystic, sureall and magic. She uses Adobe Illustrator oil, pastell, watercolors, silkcolors, mixed media digital art. " Born 1959 in the history landmark town of Lahnstein , between the valleys of Eifel, Hunsruck, Taunus and Westerwald in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. She also currently resides there. Pia has been pursing her art for more than 25 years and is self-lerner (autodidakt) artist. For many years she has been producing artisanproducts and ART, and seeling her own products as well as others in a gallry/artisan store. She is also conducting workshops for silk an screen painting. Usually expressing her art in mixed media and digital works and paintings, she mostly uses software or silk screen and water colors. Participation in the exhebitions ARTE Expo Madrid october 2003, Biennale Dell ARTE Firenze december 2003, ART Festival OMMA Juni 2004 Gallery Chania Crete Greece. Her art works convey a warm mystical feeling, often depieting sureall or and dream-like landscapes. Current events inspire most of her art, strongly reflecting on them in angles and often evoking responses and sharing from the audience. Currently, Pia is finshing the last part of diploma of a media creator at ZOOM Medienakademie Germany July 2003, she concentrating on expressing herself in her paintings as a full-time artist and bringing other peoples vision and ideas into life as a free lance web designer and artist mixed media.
Arte Expo October 2003 Madrid.
Biennale Dell ARTE Firenze december 2003.
Omma gallery Kriti Juni 2004