Michael Finnegan
Michael Finnegan has been acclaimed for his mono-print paintings which debuted at the Boston Young Contemporaries' Show, Boston - 2007. Michael's mono-type technique is developed from his studies at the Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University. His print work has been reviewed by Cate McQuaid of the Boston Globe: ''Painter/printmaker Michael Finnegan calls his works "oil-on-canvas monotypes." He uses paint, not ink, and prints on canvas to create...deliciously textured scenes." Michael holds an undergraduate degree in Graphic Design and Illustration and an MFA in Visual Arts (2008) from The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University. His other professional experiences include teaching, juried and solo exhibitions and curatorial work.
The globalization of cell phone technology has created a movement across almost every culture around the world. My interests lie within the capabilities and the power of the people who have the ability to create an array of video and photography for the internet. My work focuses on the real power of individuality and showcases a variety of ways in which cell phones are being used in today's culture.
I am fascinated with the photograph in terms of altering its perception as a way to explore a contemporary realism through images.
*The Art Emporium Gallery, "Cell Phone Series," Needham, MA.
808 Gallery, Boston Young Contemporaries, Boston, MA.
The Warwick Museum of Art, "Body Language," Warwick, RI.
Brookline Open Studios, Brookline High School, Brookline, MA.
The Boston Convention Center, "Red," Boston, MA.
MFA Graduate Show, Art Institute of Boston, Boston, MA.
*Atria Maplewood Place, "September Wedding," Malden, MA.
The Boston Conservatory, Uplifted: "Art Perpetuating Hope," Boston, MA.
Newton Free Library, Newton Art Association, Newton, MA.
808 Gallery, Boston Young Contemporaries, Boston, MA.
New Art Center, Newton Open Studios, Newtonville, MA.
*Village Bank, Newton Art Association, Newton, MA.