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  Literally Debbie Harry

Hogben,Gary-Literally John Lennon
Literally John Lennon / Mixed Media / 10 / Sold

Description: Literally John Lennon, a collage made up of the lyrics from his song 'Imagine', stuk onto canvas and finished off with acrylics, painted around the sides, ready to hang, Commissions for this type of work gladly accepted.

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Artist Information:
Name   : Gary Hogben
Location: Erith, Kent  
  United Kingdom
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Gary Hogben

I have always been interested in art, from a very early age I was always drawing things on any old scrap of paper. I started painting in water colour when I was 16 doing mainly paintings of animals which I would give to members of my family. From there I progressed onto oil paints. Producing copies of work by great artist such as Salvador Dali, Rembrant, Degas, Cezanne and Renoir. I now mainly work in Acrylics and have started to experiment with spray paint.
'Modern day street art and beyond' Group exhibition 21st Sept 2009 to 24th Oct 2009 at The Knapp Gallery, Regents College, Regents Park, London.

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