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  BONSAI ISLAND No.2 - Beaded Wire Tree Sculpture, by Sal Villano

Villano,Sal-JADE CASCADE  #1 - Wire Tree Sculpture,
JADE CASCADE #1 - Wire Tree Sculpture, / Sculpture / 17"x 11"x 18". / 1985.00 USD

Description: 17"x 11"x 18". Wire tree sculpture with 218 genuine Jade leaves of various sizes. Some of the jade leaves are flat and others have a slight upward turn at the tip. Each leaf is individual​ly wired onto its branch using a unique method developed by Sal Villano expressly for this type of sculpture. There are no holes in any of the leaves so they appear very natural in their position on the end of each twig. The tree is created using 18, 24 and 26 gauge gold color wire. The roots of the tree are bound into a sand and pebble mound that is painted in greens and yellows using India ink to create the image of moss. The sculpture is in a 7" round metallic ceramic bowl and is permanentl​y fixed to the dark wood 5 legged elevation base. This sculpture can be displayed in direct sunlight since all the coloring and material used are light fast, and will not fade. #8-07 $1,985.00

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  ASIAN GOLD LEAVES - Wire Tree Sculpture

Artist Information:
Name   : Sal Villano
Location: Milford OH 
  United States
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Sal Villano

ABOUT THE ARTIST... Sal Villano was born in New York City in 1944 into a large extended family of many artists. So, at a very young age he was always very aware of art in his life and was naturally attracted to expressing himself visually. He attended public grade school, high school and college. He also studied at The Art Students League in Manhattan. While still in college he assisted his uncle Charles Santaniello, a sculptor, in creating commercial displays for many New York businesses. And helped produce parts of an exhibit for a Worlds Fair in Europe. It was this time spent working with his uncle that he realized he too wanted to be a sculptor. After graduating college he went to work as a commercial artist. In 1969, after several years at this position he started his own art studio with another artist, this partnership provided the opportunity to produce a wide verity of commercial work. Some of the clients they created two dimensional and three dimensional works for are national and international companies. It was at the time he spent at the Art Students league that Sal created his first wire tree sculpture, while constructing an armature to support a clay figure, he noticed that the wire he was using could also be bent, twisted and wrapped to create a tree sculpture. Since that day, many years ago, he has created thousands of tree sculptures of various wire types and gauges and each carefully placed onto a base that is a vital part of the total piece. Whether viewed in direct sunlight casting harsh shadows or in soft candle light creating a gentle form, the tree sculptures created by Sal Villano each take on a personality of their own. As in nature, no trees can ever be created alike. All the sculpture of Sal Villano can be view at: www.salvillano.com The following is an on line interview: http://youtu.be/92UXEqP1kUk
The inspiration for creating my sculpture grew from a lifetime love of trees. I am in awe of the stately presence and silent majesty they posses. I find the structure of trees to be one of the perfections in nature. With their roots embracing the earth; in winter they show their bones, in spring gentle buds, in summer a canopy of green and in fall a magical kaleidoscope of colors. Beauty, pure beauty.

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