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  Rock Formation near Morrison, CO

Krause,Everett-Autumn Trees, Late Afternoon
Autumn Trees, Late Afternoon / Painting Oil / 14 x 18 / 250.00 USD

Description: My first plein air attempt, then finished up in studio, but meant to be a raw oil sketch.

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Artist Information:
Name   : Everett Krause
Location: Aurora CO 
  United States
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Everett Krause

Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, I am a self-taught oil painter, but I have taken some drawing classes. I follow van Gogh's quote, "If you hear a voice inside you saying you are not a good painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced." My influences are van Gogh, Monet, Cezanne, Constable, Rembrandt, Rubens, Bierstadt, Moran, Picasso, Dali, Still, and any painter who took risks to expand the art.
I paint for the enjoyment, and don't expect to sell any. All prices are negotiable, and I would be overjoyed just to hear that someone likes my work.

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