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Horvath,Werner-Qaddafi, the Oil and Lockerbie
Qaddafi, the Oil and Lockerbie

Painting Oil
Size: 90 x 60 cm
6000 Euros

Description: Portrait of the Libyan leader in the art style of New Constructivism.


Artist Information:
Name   : Werner Horvath
Location: Linz  

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Werner Horvath

Marquis Who'sWho in the World, 15th Edition, 1998, p.614: HORVATH, WERNER, radiologist, artist; b. Linz, Austria, Nov.13, 1949; s. Stefan and Maria (Pichler) H.; m. Ilse Beham, June 21, 1975; children: Patrick, Nina. MD, U. Vienna, 1975; Radiologist, KH Barmh. Bruder, Linz, Austria 1983; spl. diploma in radiology. Turnusarzt several hosps., Linz, Austria, 1975-78; asst. radiology KH Barmh. Br., Linz, Austria 1978-82; Oberarzt KH Barmh. Br. Linz, Austria 1983-88, Primarius, 1988-97, authorized rep. radiation protection, 1988-97, authorized rep. cont. edn., 1988-97. Contbr. numerous articles to profl. jours. Exhibns. include Galerie du Temple, Paris, 1994, Raika, Linz, Austria, 1994, 95, Galerie Zlaty Kriz, Budweis, 1995, 96, 97, Embassy of Czech Republic, Vienna, 1997, Virtual Museum of Political Art, internet, 1997. Mem. Austrian Soc. Radiology, Austrian Soc. Ultrasound, German Soc. Phlebology (Senator Putter prize 1982), Med. Soc. Upper Austria (auditor 1994-97). Office: Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Bruder, Seilerstatte 2, A-4020 Linz Upper-Austria, Austria. Developed own art style called "New Constructivism" after the philosophical theory based on the works of Vico, Uexkull, Glasersfeld, and Watzlawick. Horvath tries to show in his paintings that the so-called reality is not so "real" at all, for the world we live in can be understood as constructed by several psychological mechanisms; most of his images deal with political problems. His internet project "Virtual Museum of Political Art" was awarded "Political Site of the Day" in May 1997 in Pennsylvania.
Werner Horvath calls his style "New Constructivism" after the philosophical theory, based on the works of Vico, Uexkull, Glasersfeld, Watzlawick and others. The theoretical background is explained in detail by the artist in a stage play in form of a text-collage, called "Jahrtausendwende - Die Theorie des neuen bildenden Konstruktivismus" (in German). Horvath tries to show in his paintings, that the so-called reality is not so "real" at all, for the world we live in can be understood as constructed by ourselves. For instance, colors do not really exist, but are products of the visual system and therefore are only "real" within our consciousness. But also forms of all kind have no reality outside our subjective world; on the contrary they are built up by several psychological mechanisms. And at last we have to take into consideration, that we live in a "symbolic world": We see Stalin not only as a politician who lived from 1879 to 1953, but also as a symbol of dictatorship and cruelty. As precursors of his style Horvath names Giuseppe Arcimboldo and M.C.Escher. Most of Horvath's paintings are influenced by political events or deal with political problems.
The most important exhibitions of the artist Werner Horvath are: 1994: "Icones politiques". Galerie du Temple, Paris, France. "Politische Ikonen". Linz, Austria. 1995: "Lide Ikony". Galerie Zlaty Kriz, C.Budejovice (Budweis), Czech Republic. "Different Neuro-Radiological Images". Linz, Austria. 1996: "Mittelpunkt Mensch". Galerie Zlaty Kriz, C.Budejovice (Budweis), Czech Republic. 1997: "Pain and Pleasure" (participation). Galerie Zlaty Kriz, C.Budejovice (Budweis), Czech Republic. "Ars politica". Embassy of the Czech Republik, Vienna, Austria. "Metamorphose". Siemens-Forum Linz, Austria. "Virtual Museum of Political Art". Presentation of an Internet-project, Puchenau, Austria. "Rouge et Noir - L'Amour et la Mort". Casino Austria, Linz. 1998: "The Saints of the Brothers of St.John of God". Opening of the seminar-center of the Hospital of the Brothers of St.John of God, Linz, Austria. "Political Art". City Museum of C.Krumlov (Krumau), Czech Republic. "Retrospektive". Castle of Puchenau/Linz, Austria. "Menschenbilder" (participation). Siemens-Forum Linz, Austria. Participation at the "Agart World Print Festival" in Ljubljana, Slovenia. "Menschenbilder" (participation). Casino Austria, Linz. 1999: "Critical Art" (participation). Culture Center, Hluboka, Czech Republic. "Malerei und Satire zur Zeit" (participation). Castle of Hagenberg, Upper-Austria. "Freud und Leid". - Presentation of the monograph (ISBN 3-9010-4040-4, Selva-Edition) and picture-exhibition, Casino Austria, Linz. 2000: "Austrian Painting Medical Doctors" (participation). Siemens-Forum Linz. "Das Herz befehle" (participation). Diozesanmuseum of the city of Regensburg, Germany. 2001: "Painting Medical Doctors" (participation). Brauhaus-Gallery, Freistadt, Upper-Austria. "Mao, Marx und Marilyn". - Pre-presentation of the monograph (ISBN 3-9010-4043-9, Selva-Edition), Restaurant Ragusa, Vienna. "Das Jahr der Raupen". - Scenic reading by Wolfgang Hohenwallner and picture-exhibition by Werner Horvath, Casineum of the Casino Austria, Linz. 2002: "Painting Medical Doctors" (participation). University of South Bohemia, Budweis, Czech Republic (Vernissage April 19th). "Mao, Marx und Marilyn". - Verlag Volk und Wissen, Berlin, Germany (Vernissage May 3rd). "Painting Medical Doctors" (participation). Bergschlossl Froschberg, Linz, Austria (Vernissage June 12th). "Austrian Painting Medical Doctors" (participation). Grunerhof in Leobendorf near Stockerau, Austria (Vernissage November 3rd). "Mao, Marx und Marilyn". - Picture-exhibition and presentation of the monograph, Czech Center, Vienna, Austria (Vernissage November 12th). 2003: "The Saints of the Brothers of St.John of God". Seminary Center of the General Hospital "Barmherzige Bruder" Linz, Austria.(Vernissage April 11th). "New Works". Villa Arte, Kastellos, Island of Crete, Greece. (Vernissage August 16th). "Grose Denker". - Picture-exhibition and presentation of the book. CASINEUM of the Casino Austria, Linz. Vernissage December 4th, 19.00, free entrance.

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