ipad roulette ads, which is one of the most popular games at the online casino. The game of roulette has slightly higher player odds than other casino games and it is one of the reasons that so many players enjoy playing. The other reason that it is so popular is its simplicity. Once the player has learnt the difference between the bets that can be placed, the game is straightforward and easy to play. The spinning wheel also adds a visually exciting element to the game and many players become almost mesmerized as they watch the ball spinning around the wheel and wait for it to drop into one of the holes. It is very important that players keep their eye on their bank balance when playing and do not get so carried away that they end up betting more than they can afford. It is also important that players stay calm whilst playing as playing when highly stressed can increase the chance that the player will make a wrong move. A great way for players to remain calm is to play in the company of a calming pet such as a cat. The presence of the purring cat is enough to keep the players stress levels at a normal level and make sure that his blood pressure does not rise too high.">
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Jack,Black-The Sleeping Kitten
The Sleeping Kitten

Digital Art
$25 CAD

Description: Cute picture I made for a client to use in their ipad roulette ads, which is one of the most popular games at the online casino. The game of roulette has slightly higher player odds than other casino games and it is one of the reasons that so many players enjoy playing. The other reason that it is so popular is its simplicity. Once the player has learnt the difference between the bets that can be placed, the game is straightforward and easy to play. The spinning wheel also adds a visually exciting element to the game and many players become almost mesmerized as they watch the ball spinning around the wheel and wait for it to drop into one of the holes. It is very important that players keep their eye on their bank balance when playing and do not get so carried away that they end up betting more than they can afford. It is also important that players stay calm whilst playing as playing when highly stressed can increase the chance that the player will make a wrong move. A great way for players to remain calm is to play in the company of a calming pet such as a cat. The presence of the purring cat is enough to keep the players stress levels at a normal level and make sure that his blood pressure does not rise too high.


Artist Information:
Name   : Black Jack
Location: Sydney  

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Black Jack

Artist specializing in Op Art and other psychedelic illusions and optical artworks for the purpose of boggling your eyes and making strange shapes appear. Enjoy my works and feel free to share you feedback.
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