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david,akan-she wont dance
she wont dance / Other / / $2000 USD


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Artist Information:
Name   : akan david
Location: uyo  
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akan david

Akan David, is a young artist painter, who started painting from the age of 13. His works are 'must have' in art galleries due to his uniqueness in the process and product of art. His works have gained favour in West African countries and is set to break into the global market.
"I appreciate and value the art, which can tell a story. When this comes with a complementary technique and attention to details - this is what makes a truly valued art piece to me. A source of subjects are my dreams and personal feelings. I express all those in paintings, drawings and installations. Even if drawing is a kind of basis of my art, I very much like and successfully experiment with non-conventional use of traditional artistic media."
2006 solo exhibition(mon pere! Mon pere!)2007cloud9ine art exhibition(light in darkness), 2009 imperial artist exhibition. 2012 ray field art exhibition

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