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O'Riain,Diarmuid-Man of Arran
Man of Arran / Watercolor / 6.5 inches x 6.5 inches / Request Price

Description: Local Man from Inis Mor, Aran Islands, Ireland

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Artist Information:
Name   : Diarmuid O'Riain
Location: Dublin  
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Diarmuid O'Riain

Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1963, DO'R began painting at a young age. While still very young the O'Riain family moved from the capital to a remote and relatively unpopulated rural location on the edge of desolate marshland in the Slieve Bloom Mountains. The desolation and remoteness of this forced 'exile' came somewhat as a shock to the Dubliner and was instrumental in the development of a unique naive style. Life in this isolated and untamed countryside, afforded much time for indulgence in eccentric endeavours and painting. During one of many solitary journeys across the mountains at night, a storm broke out in which DO'R was allegidly struck by lightening. In any case, DO'R was discovered in an uncommunicative state wandering the mountainside in search of his identity. A period of recuperation followed during which DO'R was encouraged to devote increased effort to expression in art. After the infamous Cuddagh Bog fire of 1985, reputed to have been started by a kiln explosion in the artist's workshop, DO'R relocated to the relative isolation of the Dublin mountains where he continues to indulge in artistic endeavours in a quiet if somewhat erratic manner.
DO'R, while having no formal art training, is an emerging artist from Dublin, Ireland. DO'R has brought to bear an honest and highly adaptable naive style to his work and which makes it highly collectable now as it will be sought after in the years to come.
Cafe Java - Manor Street Dublin People Art Expo - St. Stephens Green, Dublin, Ireland Merrion Square Art Exhibition - Dublin Ireland

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