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Rotman,Ben-City Crismiss
City Crismiss / Painting Oil / 90 80 Cm. / 1000 USD


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Artist Information:
Name   : Ben Rotman
Location: Tel Aviv  
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Ben Rotman

Israeli born artist Ben Rotman deals with the medium of painting in broad terms For Rotman who always worked in oils, using the digital workspace changes almost everything save the final appearance of his work. Rotman's digital creations present a virtual space with the same fluidity and tactility as watercolor paint. An intimacy with digital tools allows Rotman to emulate the deckled edges, bleeding, and the layering sensations of traditional watercolor, all with an illusionist bent. Of intrigue is how little one can perceive Rotman's creations as digital upon first impression. Instead of seeing pixels and digitally produced noise, one sees the trained hand of a painter very much in touch with the language of traditional modernist abstraction. Appearing in and out of his washy build up of colors are hints of figuration. These bodily apparitions suspended in a dream world of color field abstraction are hints of what inspires Rotman. He paints about, Women, Hands, Music, landscape, politics and society." Rotman has studied art in Europe and Israel.
An Artist declaration: We are in a time of creative vacuum and the answer to that vacuum is, as I see it, the Digital Art, an art that developed and take a very series part in the post-modern art. The imagination is full of variety and it brings us to realization in the art that created by immediacy, the technology is not instead but is there for assist. The option are many and in the one hand it create confusion and on the other hand an option to a talent, we did not knew until now, that produced the need to collect the different mediums in to one focus. An Artist is someone that can see the coincidence that happened like in mistake. My Motto is: The paint Iim painting need to give my inner sound, color and shape.
Bari / N.Y. / Vienna. / Graz/Firenze / Barcelona / Allicante / Seefeld /

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