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  A.Tarkovskiy, portrait

Orlova,Arya-Mons's head
Mons's head / Illustration / 18 X 24 cm / Request Price

Description: The illustration for a publication of "The Wax Person" by Yuriy Tinianov

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Artist Information:
Name   : Arya Orlova
Location: Moscow  
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Arya Orlova

My name is Arya and I work, primerely, in book illustration. I was born in Moscow, and have been studying domestically: Art School student and Graduate of The Moscow State University of Printing, originated over 80 years ago with it's founder Prof. Alexander Rodchenko. List of the School's distinguished faculties includes Vladimir Favorsky, Nikolay Ilyin, Ivan Pavlov, Vadim Faliev, and later on Andrei Goncharov. My prime interest is illustration, as well as drawing and painting as the Art of creating a book or any other product. Even though experienced in working with a digital media I tend toward manual approach using simple materials such as ink, pensil, charcoal, oil, acrylics, etc. I am trying to develop a personal approach to a book making up and illustration, which will make book to be an irreplaceable cultural item.
This perilous Life is a drop of water, A hanging raindrop on a lotus leaf; Soon it falls back in the pond below And is lost.

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