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Pirus Schichtel,Marc-Follow the black thread!
Follow the black thread! / Painting Oil / F 30 / Request Price

Description: It has not to be always the red one or?

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Artist Information:
Name   : Marc Pirus Schichtel
Location: Enskededalen  
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Marc Pirus Schichtel

Born 1954 in France (Paris). Childhood in all Europe; baccalaureate in Science 1971, Bruxelles, Belgium. University studies: bachelor exam in Philosophy with emphasis on Art 1976. Moving to Sweden 1976; University studies in Chemistry and cell Biology; master degree. Art school in Stockholm, Sweden. Working now as a full time artist and Science teacher.
Always believed that Science and Art are completing each other; enriching one another during mankind history. Complementary they are! Aristotle stated it first for a long time ago: every form that mankind will discover in the future is already there in nature; waiting to be discovered; just look at light microscopy and electron microscopy images for example... Abstraction IS there...
1988: Lövstabruk, Sweden, solo exhibition. 2005: Jewish community center of Stockholm; solo exhibition. 2017: Bajit, the new house for Jewish culture in Stockholm.

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