Elena Yasnova
Graduated from the Vitebsk State University of Light Industry in 1986. Profession is textile designer. Has taken part in regional, state and international art exhibitions since 1986. Since 1996 is a member of the Belarusian Artists Unit.
"Her works are depiction of emotionally sensual perception of the world, romantics, poetic and philosophical thoughts.
Unique artist's style is characterized by constant search of skillfully effective techniques and color sophistication. Higher education in the field of textile design secures high professional level in idea realizations using textile. Deeply developed perception of the material attaches seamlessness, naturalness and lightness to her works.
Positive, life-asserting principles emanating from her works are out of time and fashion and attract even the most exacting and versed audience."
My personal exhibitions took place in Belarus, Russia, Poland and Germany. The field is interior design (tapestry, handmade curtains - paintings in silk), easel painting(batik).
My personal and professional data you can find in the album "Artists of Belarus" and in the World Catalogue "ALLGEMEINES KUNSTLER-LEKSIKON".