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Shariat Panahi(Panahi),parisa-the hero and his father
the hero and his father

Size: about A2

Description: "The Meeting of the king and Prince or father and his son" , the drawing on paper (ink and pen) based on the Persian epical strory"Siavash"


Artist Information:
Name   : parisa Shariat Panahi(Panahi)
Location: Tehran  

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parisa Shariat Panahi(Panahi)

I am Parisa , born in Tehran, I have graduated of fine art facultry with master of arts , I am painting from my teens , I like classical , fantastical and musical movies and many kind of music , I like studying about art history ,...
Indeed,I'm influental of traditional Japanese and Chinese paintings,woodblock prints and Persian miniature and also western modern paintings.my style is fantastical abstract one with various lines,forms and colors , I like many painters as Picasso , Kandinski , Klimt , Chagal , Godward , Mucha,Monet ,Van Gogh ,Gauguin and some Japanese masters as Hokusai , Hiroshige ,Kano Motonobu ,... I have done some reseaches about Japonisme(Japanese influence on some western painting schools and also "Persian Miniature" ,...
I have a group illustration and painting exhibitions in Haft Samar and Tehran contemporary Museum and I have an illustration exhibition

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