Inna Bredereck
My name is Inna Bredereck. I was born in Russia, in 1982, in Saint -Petersburg. There I have finished the State University (as well as the president of Russia Vladimir Putin). I have been drawing, painting, and getting my hands into anything and everything to create art since I was a little girl. I have studied art throughout all my years of high school and I continued to educate myself with classes while attending univesity. Now that I've had a lot more experience and feedback from my paintings, I stick to mostly water-based acrylic on canvas and watercolors for my materials. I continue to explore all of my skills with many different types of medium, although painting has been my main focus this last couple months. I love to see the seasons of the year,the flowers and the vegetation change. Beacuse I use much of this pure things in my paintings. And I think beauty is important when I do my art. Like to see beauty, like to show beauty.Life in it self is beautiful!
About original paintings
Every painting is, of course, unique and one of a kind. Each painting, through the use of varied and complementary colors, contrast, along with a large, standard painting size can easily become the center piece of any living or working space. The general theme the artist is trying to convey is beauty and positivity through the images created, use of colors, contrast, and painting style. Every painting has its own personality and usually conveys a simple message about life itself.
The method used to show beauty and mystic images is always evolving. Only time will reveal the new directions the artist may chose to wonder in. For now color, contrast, theme, and the image itself are the basis for my artwork.
Galleries and private collections in Russia and Germany.