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  Landscape #7

Yindee,Pracha-Landscape #8
Landscape #8 / Painting Acrylic / 21cm X 30cm / 300 USD

Description: The original landscape painting and used medium acrylic on paper. My artwork that clearly show the frame and multi-paneled.,when you make order and ready to hang.

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  Landscape #9

Artist Information:
Name   : Pracha Yindee
Location: Bangkok  
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Pracha Yindee

Born in 1955, Pracha Yindee is a prominent figure of the Thai contemporary art community. Art teacher by dedication and reflective artist by belief, Pracha is one of Thailand's most recognized meditative painters.
First I meditate to find harmony and inner peace, to reflect on my feeling and the impermanence of all things. And then,I stand up and infuse my papers with fluid brushstrokes of a rare intensity. I have a unique ability to create continuous and deep movements of colors, always changing, evolving into new shapes.
My contemporary creations have been critically acclaimed for more than 20 years. My work is represented in many private international collections.

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