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  Portrait of a man

Tinkler,Justin-The Other Eye
The Other Eye / Drawing / 9x11 / 149 USD

Description: The Other Eye Prismacolor

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  Reversed Senses

Artist Information:
Name   : Justin Tinkler
Location: Wilmington NC 
  United States
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Justin Tinkler

I was born in Wilmington NC. I grew up with a semi large family that consists of musicians, gymnasts , skateboarders, surfers and artists. Life itself pushes me to create and play music.
I mainly work with pencils and colored pencils. Usually I find a photo of something I like and I draw until I smear the features into place using a pushing method. Detail is really important to me, and I usually spend between 9 and 20 hours working on one portrait or work. My favorite thing to draw is an eyeball because the more detail you put into it the more realistic the portrait becomes. I am also fascinated with light and how manipulating it can create dimension and depth in my work. Music is actually my biggest artistic influence. I started drawing as a challenge to music. I play 8 instruments and sing. Music and art come from the same place, the same creative thing that pushes me to do both. I'm glad I learned music first because it made art a lot easier. Drawing is just like music, I use it to escape everything from my social life and the things going on in my head. Also I have Asperger's and I fidget a lot, so I always need to be doing something with my hands. Recently I started combining music and art by drawing scenes from my imagination and writing songs to depict the action. I like drawing from photos because I like to capture the emotion in the photo. It is easy to draw something just by looking at it. But it is difficult to feel the voice, the setting, and to understand the character behind it. I feel very connected to the life in my photos so I hope that my audience will also. One unique thing about my art, especially the Prismacolor pieces, is the fact that I am colorblind. It's funny because I also paint cars to afford my artist life.

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