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Mucharska,Maria-For You Mum
For You Mum

Painting Acrylic
Size: 40 x 50 cm.
Not For Sale

Description: "Editors comment: I have chosen this work because of its simplicity. The powerful red rose against the cool blues that gently radiate to the edges of the work. The painting reminds me of Valentines day, I suppose it would though and I could imagine it on a card. The painting is too good for that though. I must admit I like all of this artists work and I have to remind myself that all people are different. To see more of this talented artists work just pay her a visit, you will enjoy it of that I'm sure. " http://www.paintingsandprints2.co.uk/Acrylic/acrylic10.html


Artist Information:
Name   : Maria Mucharska
Location: Manchester - Old Trafford  
  United Kingdom

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Maria Mucharska

I was born in Poland in 1958 and emigrated to England in 1989. I am an amateur photographer, however I also enjoy working with computer generated photography and painting, which is my favourite medium. Painting is part of everything I do now and I hope you will take the time to look at this site. I'm a very enthusiastic artist and I'm interested in every medium. As part of my Art Course I started with ceramics went on to photography and finally computer experimentation. Painting, especially in oils is my favourite medium. I can completely lose myself in my art, there are no boundaries, no restrictions, my imagination takes me into an unknown world of colour and fantasy. I'm extremely influenced by dramatic contrasts of light, shade or shining, reflecting surfaces in nature. I like to capture the moment on camera, scan it onto my computer to design my final piece. ************************************************************************** Two of my paintings was short-listed for the SAA International competition, the Artist of the Year Awards 2000 and 2001. *********************************************************** *************** Now one from my photographs is shortlisted in the photographic competition for Visions of Science, which was organised by Novartis and supported by NESTA. The photograph "Boiling Watter" will be exhibit in two sets touring the UK from October 2003 and throughout 2004 http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/ ************************************************************************** Also at this moment one from my digital room manipulated photographs: "My Window of the World" is shortlisted for "Through the Window December Competition" organize by PHOTOzine online sponsored by Nikon http://www.ephotozine.com/photocomp/index.cfm?Compid=14 ************************************************************************* Many of my photographs have been published from time to time in cats and dogs magazines, and a few times in "Amateur Photographer" in the Mike Maloney's photo assesment column.
SAA International Art Exhibition in Aldershot & London 04.05.2000 - 06.05.2000 My painting "Lifetime" was short-listed for the SAA International competition, the "Artist of the Year" Awards 2000 and was one from 29 paintings which were selected from over 3000 entries. Was exhibited at the SAA International Art Exhibition in Aldershot on 4-6 May 2000. And then go to the Artists & Illustrators exhibition in Olympia, London on 27th - 30th July 2000. http://www.saa.co.uk/ *************************************** Visions of Science exhibition 22.09.2003 Exhibicje Exhibition for my photograph "Boiling water" http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/winners2003/win-06.htm will be having two sets of the exhibitions touring the UK from October 2003 and throughout 2004. http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/exhibit.htm http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/ Debut 07.08.2003 - 07.09.2003 From the 14th of August 2003 for 07 September - my work (paintings) was shown as part of a joint exhibition with two other artists. The exhibition was held at the 78-80 Uber Bar, High Street, Manchester. The Artist and Illustrators show in Olympia 26.07.2001 - 29.07.2001 I was lucky enough to be short-listed for the SAA International competition, the `Artist of the Year Awards 2001 and was one of the 25 finalists, in the following years competition. On the same art club. Was displayed at The Artist and Illustrators show in Olympia, Londyn 26th-29 July 2001. http://www.saa.co.uk/ *************************************** Debut 07.08.2003 - 07.09.2003 From the 14th of August 2003 for 07 September - my work (paintings) was shown as part of a joint exhibition with two other artists. The exhibition was held at the 78-80 Uber Bar, High Street, Manchester. *************************************** Visions of Science exhibition 22.09.2003 Exhibition for my photograph "Boiling water" http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/winners2003/win-06.htm will be having two sets of the exhibitions touring the UK from October 2003 and throughout 2004. http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/exhibit.htm http://www.visions-of-science.co.uk/

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