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Vattimo,Stephen J.-The Creation Cries Out
The Creation Cries Out

Painting Acrylic
Size: 42" x 60"
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Description: Medium : Acrylic on canvas Size: 2' x 4' Year painted :1998 This painting was done for my sister. she loves Dolphins and she asked me when will i paint a picture for her. When I consider doing this painting I thought about how could I design a illustration that would use the names of fish to teach her the attributes Jesus had being the Son of God and Savior of the world. The names of the fish who reveal some thing about Jesus' character are labeled in red, just as word that are spoken by Jesus are printed in red in a red letter edition Bible. The fish who labeled are blue are different breeds of Angel fish Three dolphin represent the trinity of God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. The silhouette of the three men on crosses represent the price Jesus paid on the cross to buy man out of slavery of sin and deliver man from being cast into the eternal lake of fire. The black and white fish is called a Sheep Head. John the baptist had call Jesus the lamb of GOD who would take away the sins of the world . The reddish orange fish is called a Flaming Angel . John said that he baptized people with water to call themselves back to God and to repent from their sins. He said that Jesus would baptize with fire the person called the Holy Spirit.The gold yellow colored fish is called the Shepherd Angel. In the Bible Jesus is referred to being the good shepherd because He takes care of His followers as a sheep herder would take care His sheep. He provides for their needs and protect s them from danger. The brow fish with the fanned out fins is called a Lion fish. The Bible call Jesus the lion of Judea. Jesus first came to the earth to deliver man kind from sin by offering His live to pay for our sin. the second time He comes, He will come to set up His earthly kingdom and rule over all the nations for a thousand years. The small fish with a scarlet color head is called a King Demoiselle fish. Jesus will have all authority to rule over all the nations given to Him From God The Father The large orange fish with the green fins is call a Rainbow parrot. The rainbow represent a covenant between man and God. Just as God put a rainbow in the sky once the great flood ended to remind man of Gods promise not to destroy the world by flood again. So do we have a covenant through the blood of Jesus that if man will except the terms to be delivered from sin it's eternal punishment, .and turn from pursuing a rebellious life toward God's. God will give them eternal life. The sleek brown and white fish is called a school Master. Jesus spent his last three year of His life teach about who God is, What heaven is like, what hell is like, What is sin and how it keeps man separated from God. what is God's plan to redeem man from sin. He taught how man should live to be pleasing in God's sight.


Artist Information:
Name   : Stephen J. Vattimo
Location: Bridgeport  
  United States

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Stephen J. Vattimo

ART COME Alive: Stephen J. Vattimo Added by Danny Huffman on March 13, 2013. Saved under Huffman, Local Arts, Local Culture Plus, Local People Tags: art, Artist's Square, painting, racquel cruz, Vattimo Stephen J. Vattimo was born, raised and lived in the Philadelphia area most of his life. As a creative spiritual person, he is involved with creating works in fine art, poetry, short-humorous stories and articles on socialism, politics, and spirituality. He considers his work living-art because it is communicative in many ways and has a direct message with each creation. Through his works, the viewer gets to know who he really is. Metaphorically speaking, Stephen wears his heart on his sleeve. Stephens work is inspired by his love for God, family, and his country. Held by the belief that: We honor these things by conducting ourselves with nobility and morals, Stephen's vulnerability and passion is shared in all his work. Bound by these values, he believes we will have a prosperous society and an abundant life. Ultimately, that our nation will be blessed with not only materialistic richness, but also the riches of love and family that God has given to us. What is Stephen's style of art? Most of his work has been described as being folk, primitive, surreal and illustrative. His medium varies as he works with acrylics, pen, and ink. His preferred medium is with acrylics as it offers a wider opportunity to create multiple textures and effects. Adding to that, the medium because it dries fast, is non- toxic, and cleaning it up with water makes it fast and easy. Stevefinal Before Stephen creates his artwork on canvas he sketches the design, carefully planning each object he is going to incorporate in his paintings using a sketch pad. He does extensive research before even beginning to transfer vision onto canvas. It is not uncommon for him to repeat his research as not to miss the details he is carefully trying to convey. To bring his message home, he often introduces symbolism within his work. gently guiding the reader while allowing multiple interpretations without constraint. Stephen has original work in colleges, community centers, and coffee shops. He is also an essential figure within Internet publishing in art, writing, and poetry communities. He hopes that his art can be a blessing to his viewers and an honor to God.
Stephen J.Vattimo Uses the arts to express His world view , and His Christian faith.

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