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Painting Oil
Size: 40/50 cm
350 EUR



Artist Information:
Name   : Laura Mihalca
Location: Bucuresti  

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Laura Mihalca

Education and training:  2009 - student at the National University of Arts, Bucharest, the section of History and Theory of Art  2005-2009 - fine arts highschool Nicolae Tonitza, Bucharest; the ceramic section  2004-2008 - training with the professor fine artist Dorel Zaica  2000-2004 - The Music and fine arts school no.5, Bucuresti, professor fine artist Zamfira Galan My activity and experience as curator  October 2009 - " Exhibition of conventional and unconventional art, Verde Cafe, Bucharest  March 2010 - "A Photography exhibition", The Students' Culture House, Bucharest; exhibition organised due to the celebration of 40 years from the foundation of the institution of the Francophony  March 2010 - exhibition "Pasaje/Passages", The Municipal Council of the 3 rd sector, Bucharest; exhibition organised due to the celebration of 40 years from the foundation of the institution of the Francophony Conferences, lecture sessions  July 2010 - participation as young speaker invited at the 5 o'clock Asamblaje II, Dealu Frumos PRAGURI, 16 -18 July, event organised by the foundation and the magazine Arhitext  21 March 2006 - participation at the activity "Opened doors at Tonitza" with the essay "Starry night" Contests and awards 2010 - award at the architectural competition "What would you change from an architectural point of view at your city", organised by the foundation Cărtureşti and by Adveritas 2009 - mention at History of Art, The National Olympiad of History of Art, Târgu Jiu 2005 - mention drawing and painting at the National Olympiad of fine arts Constantin Brâncuşi 2005 - the 3 rd price at the National contest of arts ,The atom - the nuclear energy save the environment" 2002 - award for the work presented in the exhibition-contest "The Roumanian traditionnal village of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow", The Village Museum, Bucharest Participations 2010 - participation at the contest "2010 L'Europe fantastique, surréaliste et apocaliptique", organised by the Museum of fantastic arts from Bruxelles 2010 - participation at the architectural competition "Arhetipuri", organised by Adveritas and by the Order of Architects from Romania 2010 - participation at the international francophone contest of photography and litterature "La caravane de dix mots francophones" 2010 - participation at the national contest Hankel Arts 2010 2009 - participation at the national contest of fine arts "The reality inside and outside me" 2007 - participation at the contest organised by the Community Center Of Mental Healthy, in the "Mital Week" 2006 - participation at the action of painting the largest canvas of the world 2006 - participation with a work at the National Session of scientific lectures ,Education for a clean environment", Bucharest 2003 - participation at the international fine arts contest ,Castels in Poland" Articles, essays and others  Contraatac magazine, the articles "The exhibition Painters in Bretagne, an exemple of an exemplary museal dialogue " (no. 24, May -June 2010), "Henrieta Delavrancea - Gibory" and "The great painters, writers, rarely the other way!"(no. 23, November 2009), "Brancuşi - his artistic personality viewed by the assembly from Târgu Jiu", "Francisc Şirato - a hudge personality of the Roumanian fine arts history" (no. 22, May 2009), "Tonitza - the painter with a soul as a child" (no.21, November 2008), "The role of the Impressionism in the modern arts", "Modigliani" (no. 20, May 2008)  The litterary Journal from Botoşani with the essay "Modigliani" Recommandations " At the beginning of this project, miss Mihalca, studying the History and the Theory of Arts, has an active contribution as painter and she was remarked from the beginning of his training for the intellectual curiosity, for her knowledges in the domains that she has chosen and for the rigor and the discipline of her work, but also for her capacity of expressing herself by pictorial means" university professor Rector dr. Ruxandra Demetrescu " [...]Laura is a older worker of the words with lyric substance, that show off also a pictorial vibration, because she has in her spiritual dowry a lot of sensitiveness and this gift can be seen especially from the subtle quality of her nuances, from their rapports and from the gentleness of the drawing line [...]" professor artist Dorel Zaica
Personal exhibition: - Once I had a dream and this is it, September- October 2010, Act tea Spot, Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti Collective exhibitions:  March 2010 - "Pasaje/ passages" - The Municipal Council of the 3 rd sector, Bucharest  October 2009 - " Exhibition of conventional and unconventional art, Verde Cafe, Bucharest  March 2009 - project diploma- N. Tonitza highschool, Bucharest  2008 - "Eminescu" - The Cultural Center Schiller, Bucharest  2008 - "Eminescu" - The Center of Culture and Dialogue Friedrich Teutsch, Sibiu  2002 - the contest-exhibition "The Roumanian traditionnal village of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow", The Village Museum, Bucharest

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